Education that is about self mastery, alignment with your vision and purpose, belief and support that encourages you to step into your true potential, live and leave your legacy by being the best version of yourself and contributing to the world from this place of absolute joy and happiness.


Freedom Education is our commitment to sharing our experiences, knowledge and wisdom that we’ve developed and acquired over time - challenging our limits of what’s possible as a freedom-preneur, living, adventuring, traveling, doing business, building global teams, creating loving family relationships, working through personal and professional challenges, coming from no money to building homes and companies in multiple countries, finding what it takes to create consistent financial flow and abundance, creating social impact projects worldwide that fuels your life with meaning and inspiration, as it does ours.

Education is what remains after one has forgotten what one has learned in school 🙂

Albert Einstein


Our two primary educational programs are for you, if...

You’ve taken the leap of faith to embark on your freedom journey, however you are struggling to achieve balance and abundance in all the areas of your life such as work, family, finances, lifestyle etc. and it’s at a point that you are ready for a full experience upgrade. Then apply to join Estela Kun with Freedom Method, and learn from someone who’s travelled this path for over 15 years, dealt with just about every challenge and fear you can imagine, done the work and continues to do the work to expand and evolve with this ever changing environment. You’ll be able to identify the biggest blocks that's holding you back (in most cases these are subconscious beliefs and old conditioning) and what are your immediate next steps to start shaping the future you truly desire. You’ll be given the tools to map up your current reality, get clear on the changes and shift you'll need to overcome and create your freedom roadmap towards your new future.
Find out more and apply now..

 You have a business, you have a great product or service, however you’re just not getting the traction you’d like, the consistency, flow and financial value exchange for your efforts, or you’re just not reaching the people you’d actually want to work with. If this sounds like you, and you’re ready and committed to doing what it takes to be the change in your business, then Freedom Enterprise may be a fabulous, live online and personal coaching and training program for you. Apply to join John Abbott and Estela Kun who have for over 10 years, created location independent companies, coached and trained more than 200 entrepreneurs to create the structures, campaigns and personal shifts and rhythm that delivers successful end results for them and their enterprise.


A way of making sure that no-one is left out and finances are available to support all of us, period! You see, we remember how hard it was to get started, to get educated and get to a place that felt like you are secure, taken care of and  able to start seeing the possibilities available to you.. If you love to be working with us, however you feel that you need financial support to make your dreams into reality, apply on the form below and we’ll automatically assess what level of scholarship we would be willing to assist you with, be it a partial or in some special cases, a full ride scholarship. Through this fund we hope to 10x the numbers of people, like you, who we positively impact to go out and be the change you seek..